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 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre)

The Producer
Jeu 22 Oct 2020 - 18:41
The Producer
because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) Tenor

because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 4287740561 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 1835218236 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2186849763 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3543671621 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2837534775 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2186849763 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3543671621 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2837534775 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2186849763 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3543671621 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2837534775 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2186849763 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 1835218236 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 4287740561

Messages :

Points :

because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) HEeyJoo


lead female libre

(Pour réclamer l'ost, postez à la suite de ce sujet. Les points ne sont pas automatiquement déduits. il vous faudra d'abord dépenser vos points dans la boutique acting/trainees, que vous trouverez dans cette catégorie !)

new edge
Park Juyeon
Dim 5 Mar 2023 - 16:52
new edge
Park Juyeon
new edge
because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) Eunha-viviz

because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2186849763 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3543671621 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3543671621 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3640798837 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3640798837 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3640798837 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3640798837 because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 3640798837

Messages :

Age :
06.06.1996 - 28 ans

groupe :
New Edge ou rien, soliste

rôle dans le groupe :
ballad, soft pop and city pop singer, danseuse à mi-temps

nom de scène :
JYP (à chuchoter intimement)

occupation :
artiste et maman par-dessus tout, vraie douceur

avatar :
Jung Eunbi (GFriend)

crédits :
by jaegraph / signa by chaoticrow

DC :
Min's realm : Shin Heeseul (CNC), Huang Liuxian (staff), Lee Jihoon (acteur), Nakano Kohaku (TY:N), Yang Zhiruo (Aurora)... and more.

Points :

because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) D851dhz-d0d426d6-59b6-499a-9601-d342354603da.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi84ZDE1NTdmNC1hYjYzLTRkNWItOTMyYS0yN2UxNGUwMDRiNzkvZDg1MWRoei1kMGQ0MjZkNi01OWI2LTQ5OWEtOTYwMS1kMzQyMzU0NjAzZGEuZ2lmIn1dXX0because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) Tumblr_inline_mv6eh0VNcF1r63ctobecause this is my first life (1♀ / libre) Tyn_210because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 9f630993175dd747adacb23cf72d4da25734d554

Je viens prendre cet ost because this is my first life (1♀ / libre) 2267438123

night and day, day and night.
because this is my first life (1♀ / libre)
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