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 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream

Na Seulbi
Mer 2 Oct - 16:54
Na Seulbi
(( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream Fa3e87b102fb7ff5504e2d1bc200fce729f63d68

(( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 2837534775 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3543671621 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3543671621 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837

Messages :

Age :
25 yo (01.07.98)

groupe :
stargaze ⋆꙳⭒

rôle dans le groupe :
main dancer, center, vocalist, leader

nom de scène :

occupation :
ancienne ballerine, influenceuse & gameuse à ses heures perdues

avatar :
im nayeon (twice)

crédits :
wild heart (avatar) // sky bby (signature)

DC :
(muse) velvet, miran, eiko, hyemi, nayung, jaewon, dambi, chansoo, byeol, aeri, sarang & deiji

Points :

california dream

❝ In the night sky, galaxy, forever be beautiful

After looking back at the end of my daily life
I found myself tired once again, broken
Do you want to take it off and leave? Hmm-hmm
Will swim in mixed emotions to the fullest, ocean
Draw it in your dreams every night
Following that romantic ray of light
Dance together on the shiny-shimmering street

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 28.10.24

california dream
I'm getting colored under the languid sunset
Meet me who have a different color

feat┊ .✧ @peach

paroles┊ .✧ @libre
composition┊ .✧ @Nam Chulsoo
production┊ .✧ @libre
arrangement┊ .✧ @libre

le clip ressemble à une dance performance sur la plage avec une tenue estivale rose poudrée au moment du soleil couchant
réalisation┊ .✧ @libre
direction artistique┊ .✧ @libre
stylisme┊ .✧ @libre
mua┊ .✧ @libre

chorégraphie (ici)┊ .✧ @libre
6 ♀ backdances┊ .✧ @Kim Kyungmi, @Okano Yumeko, @libre

manager┊ .✧ @libre

Cha Minkyu aime ce message

i'm dying to have my lips on yours

Kim Kyungmi
Dim 6 Oct - 18:21
Kim Kyungmi
(( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream B86cd78c939c73c17a86e0650e07cd5ba498517b

(( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3543671621 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837 (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 3640798837

Messages :

Age :
20 yo (13.07.04)

groupe :
cosmic echoes.

rôle dans le groupe :
leader, main rapper, sub vocal.

nom de scène :

occupation :

avatar :
anabelle shim/belle (kiss of life)

crédits :
wild heart (ava)

DC :
queen solah, big boi eros, dancer hyo, actress ryujin.

Points :

c'est payé (( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream 2267438123
(( debut solo )) peach .✧ california dream
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